Saturday, February 7, 2009

all alone with the sheep

Sa has left. :( For Trinity. Said my bye's yesterday but woke up feeling miserable. It's like everyone is leaving. By September everyone will be on opposite ends of the earth. Even I may be flyflyflying away to Ireland. But recently I've been seriously considering Australia. I think I'm willing to do the basic degree/extra 9 months thingy. After all I have family there. And what is life without family and friends?

It's nice that we got to spend more time than usual together the past week. We were able to have in depth discussions concerning love-handles, the whole stabbing incident (hilarious :D), Richard and David. It was pretty awesome. So understandably I was pretty torn up today.

Blaah. I hate it when I get into one of these moods.

It helped when I went over to Mim's earlier today though. We bummed around but it made me much happier. I have wonderful friends. I hope that 10/20/30/40... years from now we'll still be vegetating with one another :p.

1 comment:

Shia said...

What WRONG with YOU?!?

So depressing larh! Now i gotto un-depress myself! -_-"