Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
what's with my disgrace?
I should have listened but I was much too happy. Gah. And this happens just as I'm starting to drive well. Hello, Independence. Here I am, waving enthusiastically. But wait... I need you not anymore.
Right now, I feel like locking myself in my room and watching The Grudge. Because you can't survive Japanese evil. You can, Samara. So that's not so much fun.
I miss M and T
Friday, September 4, 2009
teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red

I thought this was gorgeous. Also, balloons make me happy. :)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
a foxtrot above my head
I have my registration tomorrow. Yup. It's that soon. Everything seems so final, y'know? Like at 8.00 tomorrow morning the rest of my life is pretty much set for me. I still don't know if this is what I want. But then again I'm not really sure about anything (ever) so I figured I should just go into it whole heartedly.
How cool would it be to be a witch doctor? =p The Princess and the Frog is coming out later this year. In December, me thinks. I can't wait. Disney hasn't come up with a princess movie in ages. Then next year there's Rapunzel to look forward too. I downloaded a copy of the Grimm's Fairy Tales. Apparently it's a direct translation of the original but blah... it's boring. I always imagined (somewhat romantically... and stupidly) that it would be sort of darker... creepier, maybe. It's not.
I really want to find a book of fairy tales like that described in John Connolly's The Book of Lost Things. Where the princess is captured by a warlock and made to dance for him every night until she dies. Only she comes back as a ghost and haunts him till he kills himself. That's even better than The Twelve Dancing Princesses, which was my favourite story when I was younger.
What happened to Linda Bergkvist? When is she going to publish her book?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
how they danced in the courtyard
An hour before we had to ciao home we found these adorable turquoise sorta flapper-y dresses. So we bought one each. And we'll probably wear them before she has to leave. Not out of the house or anything but just to take pictures for memories. =p
Oh my. It is HARD being vegetarian in Malaysia. But I only have until Sunday. :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
the fisherman fishes, the bakerman bakes
Jubilation was immediate
Happiness is forth
Celebration is imminent
And the bast part? I'll be celebrating with all my bestiest best friends.
Life is good. Even Snape's happy.
Well, kinda. He hasn't been told.
Now he knows.
Monday, July 27, 2009
bells that never sing
After I found out that Megan Fox is going to be in the movie I got all excited and started reading up about the comics.

Monday, July 13, 2009
hbp is acomin'
Nvm, I have a couple of days to decide. :)
Scene's I'm especially looking forward too?
- Spinners End
- Slughorn's Party
- all the RW/LB/HG scenes
- the Weasley Wizard Wheezes
- Ginny's and Harry's kiss
- Voldy-the-kid
- RL/NT (hopefully the producers/directors did not cut out any integral bits from that relationship)
- the whole Sectumsempra! Roonil Wazlib bit
- "you don't have to call me 'Sir', Professor"
- Ron's "Excuse me, but are you the imprint of a departed soul?"
- Snape teaching DADA! *squeal* How awesome is that going to be? ^_^
- Luna's Gryffindor "hat"
- Luna commenting on the quidditch game. If they cut this out of the movie I'm going to blow an artery right there in the theater.
- All the bits with Snape in it. Except possibly the part where he Avada's Dumbledore's ass to the grave. :(

I can't wait :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
6ft 7in
I realised yesterday that that the Lakers use my school colours. Or we use theirs. Purple and Yellow. Hee :)
I wish I were in Istanbul. After Sarawak, Vanu and I made (not quite definite) plans to travel the world. Next year... road trip. Every state in the country... minus Sabah and Sarawak. It's not quite the world but it's a start. She has wanted to visit Peru for as long as I can remember. Then I want to go to Egypt. And on a cruise down the Amazon River. Although, I don't know if they do that. The cruise, I mean. Plus we have to go to Alaska in the summer. In between all that we'll find the time to get us our MBBS's.
What would be the first thing you do if you had superpowers?
Well, what sort of superpowers are you talking 'bout?
Er, I dunno. Flying... mind-control... telekinesis... super-strength...
Save the world I guess.
I'd use 'em to get me all my A's.
Ah. And then?
Yes, we all want stuff we can't have. Like how now, more than anything, I want cherries and nutella.
Monday, June 29, 2009
still in the valley
1) Sarawak was loads and loads of fun. Funny, lovely people, no leech bites and so much food. The quantities that we consumed... honestly, I'm surprised I'm still able to walk from place to place and am not forced to use a buggy or whatever. I suppose all the trekking (and there were lots of it) balanced our gluttony. I flew all by myself, btw. How awesome is that? Took the correct flight and everything, and there was my dad panicking over how I would end up in Latvia or something.
2) Watched Transformers 2 twice. Both times in the theater, no less. First on Marcus's birthday and the second time my brother begged me to take him. But I didn't mind because, how beyond beautiful/sexy is Megan Fox anyway? Have become a huge fan of hers. And alright, her interviews are a bit odd -she seems incapable of conducting herself normally- but whatever. It just makes her more interesting I guess. She is my girl crush :)
3) It is, I have decided, completely idiotic to become overly enthusiastic over something. Or to yearn for something so badly you waste hours and hours for months over it. But is it really surprising that I did just that? Waste my time over something completely stupid and useless? It's like my calling card.
Hi! Do you know of a new way waste my time and/or depress me? Call *********!
It is especially idiotic if the thing you have been waiting for so long... is to watch a movie. Vallee des Fleurs was so disappointing. Well alright, so I haven't actually finished watching it, but so far (30 minutes into the movie) it is nothing but heaving bosoms and well sculpted derrieres. It's like an extremely bad ss/hg fan fic. The type where the author has obviously had one too many Firewhiskeys and was probably struck by Eros's arrow in some inappropriate place. You know the type... throbbing blah blah's and emerald green satin sheets that glimmer in the soft moonlight that shines incandescently through Gothic-styled arches, smooth and curved as the voluptuous arc's of Aphrodite's limbs.
And you know, you just KNOW that these idiots see Snape, not as a greasy haired git but as some pompous, women-romancing type (note the plurality) fool. AND it's like they just discovered the wondrous powers of an online thesaurus.
I went of track. Hm, so aside from the offensive bums and breasts, there was the whole stealing of luck through one's shadows. I guess I just expected to be blown away by an epic Asian romance with a slight LotR fantasy thing going on. Sigh. But this is life after all, so we must learn to expect the worst.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
a dancing demon
I've never ever even been camping before so this is like BAM! being pushed into the deep end. Well, Plop! actually.
I'm re-reading all of HP before I watch HBP.
And... I miss Buffy. The post-Faith, pre-Riley episodes.
Monday, June 15, 2009
when all is said and done - trapt
where will i be?

Friday, April 3, 2009
oh, the simple need

I thought this was hilariously cute.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
all alone with the sheep
It's nice that we got to spend more time than usual together the past week. We were able to have in depth discussions concerning love-handles, the whole stabbing incident (hilarious :D), Richard and David. It was pretty awesome. So understandably I was pretty torn up today.
Blaah. I hate it when I get into one of these moods.
It helped when I went over to Mim's earlier today though. We bummed around but it made me much happier. I have wonderful friends. I hope that 10/20/30/40... years from now we'll still be vegetating with one another :p.

Saturday, January 31, 2009
not as blue as dr draken
I didn't study at all these here CNY hols. I know I’m going to regret it like crazy on Monday but for now I can’t be bothered.
This past week, condensed:
a) the acquisition of a brand new pretty purple sweater that is just sooo soft. So soft it’s fun to stroke whenever I’m bored.
b) buttering like, a millionkazillion egg sandwiches with Vanu for Mim’s birthday. I now understand why men make better chefs. It’s all about the manpower babeh. The folding and smashing and crunching and battering. It’s back-breaking work. But regardless, Vanu and I had oodles of fun. Preparing simple food does not require that many brain cells so she and I had plenty of time to discuss loads of stuff. That was fun and… illuminating. We discovered that she is much too nice for her own good and I am either completely mental or as devoted as a puppy. Fairly pathetic, but there you go. At any rate, I can’t act to save my soul so I don’t understand why my own personal jukebox keeps playing the same tune. :(
c) Mim’s surprise birthday picnic. Woke her up at 7 something after she had only 2 hours of sleep. Then blindfolded her, put a green afro on her head and took her to Lake Gardens, where she sat around blindfolded for about 30 minutes because lots of people were late.
d) my Ielts. I screwed up the speaking. Went blank for a good 30 seconds. It would be lovely to get a band score of 8.5 or 9. Yes it would.
e) CNY as Mimzy’s. Lunch that followed through with tea. And yes, yes, I must agree that the girl has better taste in boys than me. :p Salud babe.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
hellooo mrs ross, well helloooooo mr rachel
Well, never mind. I can always dream. And since I'm dreaming, it wouldn't hurt to dream up Severus Snape by my side. He would, I've decided, have Chad Kroeger's voice.

Saturday, January 10, 2009
'cause we all just wanna be big rock stars
After the whole Hades obsession culminated at the point where I practically turned my whole house upside down looking for a set of colour pencils, I decided it was about time I rewatched Hercules. And honestly, it never occurred to me before that the Hades portrayed by Disney is blatant mischaracterization of the real Hades. Firstly, Hades is NOT evil. Ruler of the Underworld, yes. But that just means he's somewhat melancholy and grim. And aside from that, if Hades were really about to wage war with someone like Herc, there is no way he would lose. Obviously.
Anyway, I just got to thinking... Disney should have written a song for him to sing. Judge Frollo gets to belt out his tune in Hunchback, Hades should be given the same opportunity because let's face it, you can't help but love any villainous-type that sings his heart out. I mean, how else does one explain Marilyn Manson's extremely large fan base?